Mara Miccichè aka IOKOI is a composer and sound-artist based in Zurich. Her multifaceted work unfolds in composing soundtracks for film+theatre, collaborations in fashion+design, live-scoring for silent-movies in various constellations and installations. She is co-founder of the music label -OUS and the transdisciplinary curatorship-platform MADAM.
Chuchchepati Orchestra:
Idee, Konzept, Orchesterwart: Patrick Kessler
→ Kontakt
Verein Chuchchepati Orchestra
Espenmoostrasse 18, 9008 St.Gallen
Design, Html und Css:
→ Buffet für Gestaltung, Markus Wicki
CMS built with Kirby:
→ DiEule
Das Chuchchepati Orchestra wird unterstützt durch:
Kanton St.Gallen Kulturförderung / Swisslos und die Kulturförderung Appenzell Ausserrhoden / Stadt St.Gallen Kulturförderung